PT叫兽 发表于 2012-9-11 05:44:05


本帖最后由 PT叫兽 于 2012-9-11 05:56 编辑


8月24日至9月15日,开启有史以来最大的促销活动,开放自由注册,全站所有资源免费,5倍上传 (5xFree 表示现在上传1G数据,系统会按5G给你添加,请大家抓紧时间) ,在活动结束后,所有帐号均赠送邀请码1枚,魔力值5000,上传量100G。


In order to make up for the lost upload quantity and bonus during the ten day, the administrative group decides to hold the largest ever promotional activities from August 24 to September 15 , in which free registration would be available and all the resources of the website would be free of charge, and 5xFree uploading quantity. After the activity, all the account would be send an invitation code, bonus of 5000, and uploading quantity of 100G.1

Recently we continually meet with all kinds of difficulties, but nothing can hinder us to step forward, because we have you!


怕妻懦夫斯基 发表于 2012-9-21 23:33:40

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查看完整版本: 中国高清网PT:开放注册倒计时!